Jus Seidel Jus Seidel


So I think we can all agree Facebook is now 50% adverts and 20% agenda fuelled censorship and stifling Free speech.

10 years ago my feed was FULL of posts by MR2 people from all over the World and the community was booming.

So I decided to do something about it and take the MR2 Worldscene community to the next level of evolution.

The Gallery Tab has over 53,000 MR2 photos, the Feature Tab has begun to contain more Feature pages with the added Bonus that the owners can now use their QR code whenever someone takes interest in their MR2 and NOW I have added the FORUM which can have Photos, Videos and files posted in it.

I have invited a good few people to join but it will take a little time to gain momentum.

Bear with it and please feel free to participate because our community is ONLY as good as we make it.



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Jus Seidel Jus Seidel


Have your Own Dedicated Feature Page for Your PRECIOUS MR2.

All 3 Marques Welcome!


Hello Fellow MR2 Lovers..

I have been working very hard indeed to bring a New platform for the MR2 Worldscene community.

I spent 10 years running MR2 groups on Facebook and during that time I collected over 53,000 photos of sw20 MR2s which you will find in the GALLERY Tab, these photos are BY the community FOR the community and I will NEVER EVER monetise them.

That said, it costs me £30 a month to host this website so far which comes out of my own pocket so understandably I need to at least cover my costs even though I continue to give my time for free so I decided to charge just £10 for a Feature Page which in all honesty takes me about an hour to create but I am not interested in making a living out of this website, only to maintain and add to it.


What is a Feature Page?..

You probably get a LOT of interest in your MR2 and especially at Car Shows, meets and in the streets and having to constantly answer the same ol` questions can be slightly frustrating..

My solution is to be able to simply point at a QR code..!

Some of you are lucky enough to have your Racecar featured in a Magazine and although you could just show the Magazine article to interested people it is still rather inconvenient.

So imagine you could have a kind of Magazine article that includes Videos and dozens of photos with all your modifications listed AND a writeup of how you got into MR2s, when you got this one, what inspired you to modify it etc…

Well, THAT is what a Feature Page is..

The BEST bit about it is that because your MR2 has it`s own Dedicated webpage it can have a QR code..!


Imagine you roll up at a car show for example, instead of standing by your car ALL DAY answering the SAME questions over and over and not being able to enjoy walking around the show..


NOW people can just scan your QR code that is in your window or on a stand by your car and see all your BEST photos from project start to the finished BEAST they see before them plus see videos of it in action and read the whole list of modifications and the bhp etc..

This FREES you up to go spend the day enjoying all the other cars at the show with no obligation to stand by your car like Dolly Parton standing by her man..haha

Not only THAT but you could also make some business cards on Vistaprint or wherever that have a picture of your car on the front and your QR code on the back that you can hand to people who say:

“I like your car”

Take a Look at the Feature Page Tab at the top of the website to see examples ..


*As my aim is to provide a New-age aspect to the MR2 Worldscene Community I will NEVER have popup adverts, redirects or annoying 5 second sales things before you can continue on this website!

I will cover my costs with the low £10 for a Feature Page which I am sure is AMAZING value for money leaving more in your pocket for RACECAR PARTS!

(plus your other half will not kill you over a tenner..lol)


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Jus Seidel Jus Seidel

Feature your MR2..


So though the GALLERY section is all sw20s, I don`t want to throw shade on the other 2 sisters.

The aw11 and the zzw are BOTH Great Sports cars and I must do what I can to also bring those into the Light.

I am going to be implementing a Grand Plan I first started working on around 9 years ago.

In short, I will add functionality to this MR2 website by enabling owners to FEATURE their MR2 on it`s OWN Dedicated Page..

Your Beloved MR2 will have it`s OWN Dedicated page with details such as the year, model, engine type and a writeup about it.

High Quality PHOTOS, VIDEOS and it`s story..

The BEST thing about your own dedicated page is that the Link will be SHAREABLE so you can show it off to the World.

(you could easily make the link into a QR code and use that as say your Socials Profile picture or even a QR sticker for your MR2!)

NO MORE BLAH BLAH when people ask you about your MR2.. Simply show them the QR code !


I have a dilemma, I pay for the hosting of this site and I put in all my time for Free and the GALLERY will forever stay that way so anyone can enjoy them ..

But.. In order to accommodate the uploading of Pictures and particularly Videos, it has fees..



I have worked things out and I feel the Dedicated Feature page will have to be a yearly subscription but I have no intention of making a living with this website hence there being NO adverts, banners or popups so I feel a yearly subscription of £10 should cover the fees..

It is going to be a month or two before I can implement the VIP section as I have to teach myself how to do it just as I taught myself how to make this entire website! lol

Bear with me while I throw more 18 hour days into this MR2 PORTAL but Know that I will put in every bit as much enthusiasm and dedication as I have in the last 10 years on Facebook and running my MR2 Worldscene groups.

Stay Well out there and remember to NEVER let off midway round a bend.. lol

Come back often for Updates and new Features….

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Jus Seidel Jus Seidel

Blog Post One.

It all begins with an idea.

So, here we are on a website..

For those who are new here, I have been running MR2 groups on Facebook (Farcebook) for about 10 years but gradually watched it degrade from a Social media into an advertising platform plus it harbours scammers like ants farm aphids..

So, during my 10 years as an admin on Farcebook and being in just over 50 MR2 groups I was lucky enough to have a constant stream of wonderful sw20 MR2 pictures which I saved as I went and collated into albums on my profile which on average total 100 a week, every week for 10 years which if you squint and use your imagination means the 52,000+ pictures are a snapshot of the sw20 “Worldscene” community on Facebook.

So, to sum up, I decided that the albums are FAR too important to the community and Farcebook`s dumb A.I algorithms especially since my homemade memes and fully excercised Freedom of Expression have got me literally shadow banned and regular stints in Farcebook jail. lol

..and here we are…

*DISCLAIMER : I am aware some of the owners of the pictures may have reasons to not want them in this website and I would like them to know that my entire motivation is a service to the MR2 community and NOT for my financial gain.

I have no intention of profiteering from the pictures and am happy to remove any that are of concern to the owner so use the contact tab and get in touch with me and I will be as swift and helpful as possible.

I must however point out that I am long-term unable to work so my budget is tight in all honesty so I will put my custom sw20 blank keys for sale at a very reasonable price to cover the cost of this site and if I have a little left over I will use it to up my game and improve the experience for the community on this website.




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Jus Seidel Jus Seidel

Blog Post Two

It all begins with an idea.

My MR2 Turbo changed my life..

I bought it 11 years ago with some compensation money for broken ribs when a car door opened in front of my bicycle....

I was soo excited to join the worldwide community of fellow sw20 owners so I typed 'MR2' into Facebook search and joined every single group.. but I was really disappointed..

All the groups were localised, separate and often off topic so because my feed was full of MR2 goodness from every group back then from all over the world I decided to make my own 'MR2 Worldscene' page..

When that hit 1000 likes I made my main group... https://www.facebook.com/groups/MR2mark2

Back then nobody really knew about the radical Thai scene and their group had less than 350 members.. I featured the best of the best and slowly created a buzz about all the other sw20s in the world.. I even wrote articles in the dutch mr2 magazine for about 8 or 9 issues which i have still..

Then i got to collecting all the sw20 pictures from all the posts I saw which is now just over 52,000...

I made MR2 videos with some of those pictures for my youtube channel too.. https://www.youtube.com/@JusSeidel

I have spent the past 10 years searching for my favourite kit parts from Toms, Border, Phoenix Power and Kaminari bodykits.

I had to then modify most of them to blend and look right together as some parts just won`t physically fit together but I achieved my vision and I would go as far as to say my Mister2 is my sculpture.. lol

I firmly believe the sw20 will one day be as respected and sought after as say a Supra or skyline or even E-type Jaguar because it is not only a thing of beauty but it is also a true sports car with the engine in the back, only 2 seats (one driver and one witness lol) and of course it has a low sloped front with pop up headlights.

The more newer cars are generic clones with bulky boring styling and electric motors, the more the MR2 stands out and the more people stop to look at it and almost weekly someone summons up the courage to come and chat with me about it and I always give them a walkaround and let them sit in it.

One of my favourite things about it is the removable T top glasses in the roof, it`s soo Smokey and the Bandit….. (one of the best fun car movies ever).

If you want an sw20 MR2 I advise you to buy one now because they have already tripled in price in the past decade or if you currently own one I recommend you never sell it or at least not for another 10 years because they will become financially unobtainium which is why I compared them to Supras and Skylines.

If you simply want to enjoy them without owning one then you are in the right place with the 50,000+ pictures in the Gallery section.

Enjoy !

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