Jus Seidel Jus Seidel

Blog Post One.

It all begins with an idea.

So, here we are on a website..

For those who are new here, I have been running MR2 groups on Facebook (Farcebook) for about 10 years but gradually watched it degrade from a Social media into an advertising platform plus it harbours scammers like ants farm aphids..

So, during my 10 years as an admin on Farcebook and being in just over 50 MR2 groups I was lucky enough to have a constant stream of wonderful sw20 MR2 pictures which I saved as I went and collated into albums on my profile which on average total 100 a week, every week for 10 years which if you squint and use your imagination means the 52,000+ pictures are a snapshot of the sw20 “Worldscene” community on Facebook.

So, to sum up, I decided that the albums are FAR too important to the community and Farcebook`s dumb A.I algorithms especially since my homemade memes and fully excercised Freedom of Expression have got me literally shadow banned and regular stints in Farcebook jail. lol

..and here we are…

*DISCLAIMER : I am aware some of the owners of the pictures may have reasons to not want them in this website and I would like them to know that my entire motivation is a service to the MR2 community and NOT for my financial gain.

I have no intention of profiteering from the pictures and am happy to remove any that are of concern to the owner so use the contact tab and get in touch with me and I will be as swift and helpful as possible.

I must however point out that I am long-term unable to work so my budget is tight in all honesty so I will put my custom sw20 blank keys for sale at a very reasonable price to cover the cost of this site and if I have a little left over I will use it to up my game and improve the experience for the community on this website.




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